The St. Anthony School

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As humans, it is no secret that we are complex. We all have very different experiences, even as brothers or sisters coming from the same family.  

There are no two people identical to one another physically and/or mentally. Yet, it is astonishing to see how people with varying degrees of special or different needs are often treated exactly the same way.

In addition to being a contributor to The St. Anthony School (#TSAS), I’m also a mother of a child with different needs.

When my son received his diagnosis three years ago, my family and friends could not believe it. They said, “He looks fine; he just needs to learn manners.”

In the past, people would often say that Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, etc. didn’t exist, and that the children receiving special attention for said differences were merely spoiled. However, they are not seeing all the work and countless hours that parents, therapists, doctors, teachers, siblings, etc. are putting in to support that child and to help them succeed in life.

There are various associations and social media pages that have helped tremendously when it comes to spreading awareness, that are now working towards cultivating understanding. This attitude of inclusion is being reflected in schools, companies, law enforcement associations, and many more establishments. While there is still a long road to walk, we appreciate the major steps taken by many aiming to improve the circumstances for and better understand the special and different needs community.

My advice would be to always keep exploring, learning, and updating your knowledge in these areas because new strategies and techniques are developing every single day. Observe if that particular technique, that medicine, that natural remedy, that doctor, that therapy, etc. is having a positive or negative impact on your child. Maybe you will find a formula that works for your child at this moment in time, but in a couple of years, you need to adapt your resources according to his/her age, progression, etc. That is perfectly acceptable and encouraged! As I mentioned earlier: no two people are the same. Therefore, it is important to find the solution that works best and most effectively for your unique child, at this specific point in their life. Perhaps the most important recommendation I can offer, however, is to love your child right where they are. Celebrate what makes them unique and extraordinary and recognize what an incredible gift you have been given.

Since this information can be read online anywhere in the world, I encourage you to look for places like The St. Anthony School (located in Carrollton, TX - Dallas – Fort Worth area) to help your child succeed. You can also follow them on their Social Media: Facebook, Instagram & YouTube Channel.

The St. Anthony School is an incredible resource and loves giving back to the community in any way they can! If you are in the area, don’t hesitate to reach out to them with any questions, or to receive the latest resources and/or recommendations regarding student and family care in this realm. See contact information below.

Tony Cinquepalmi- Executive Director/Founder




About the Author:

Alicia MC is a Writer, a Neurodiversity Advocate, and a Corporate and Social Media Marketing Specialist eager to share her experience & knowledge to help others.